
« Brendan, Saint, of Clonfert Brent, Charles Henry Brenz, Johann »

Brent, Charles Henry

BRENT, CHARLES HENRY: Protestant Episcopal missionary bishop of the Philippines; b. at Newcastle, Ont., Apr. 9, 1862. He was graduated at Trinity College, Toronto, in 1884, and was ordered deacon in 1886 and priested in 1887. He was then curate of St. Paul's Cathedral, Buffalo, N. Y., 1887–88, and of St. John the Evangelist, Boston, 1888–91, and associate rector of St. Stephen's, in the same city, 1897–1901, being also a member of the editorial staff of The Churchman from 1897 to 1900. In 1901 he was consecrated first bishop of the missionary district of the Philippine Islands. On May 6,1908, he was elected bishop of the diocese of Washington. He has written With God in the World (New York, 1899); The Consolations of the Cross (1902); The Splendor of the Human Body (1904); and Liberty and Other Sermons (1906).

« Brendan, Saint, of Clonfert Brent, Charles Henry Brenz, Johann »
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